
Saturday 11 January 2020

Adjective Clause


“Adjective clauses, clause with that, when or where”

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Lecturer : Ms. Agseora Ediyen, M. Hum
Creation by :
Third Group
PBI 4 - C
1. Reni Yuhelda (2317091)
2. Dani Saputra (2317092)
3. M. Fachrul. Rmadhan (2317094)
2018 / 2019

A. clauses with that : replacement of subject
Clauses with that : replacement of subjects
Connecting words
Sentence types
When two sentences share an identical noun or noun phrase, you can use that to replace the noun or noun phrase in the second sentence. That is used ideas and things.
Simple sentences

Complex sentence
Buddhism is religion. This religion teaches a way of life

Buddhism is a religion that teaches a way of life.
That (instead of who)
Who is generally preferred to refer to people. In informal spoken English, that  is sometimes used.
Simple sentence

Complex sentence
Siddhartha was a person. This person tried to overcome suffering.
Siddhartha was a person that (who) tried to overcome suffering.


Examples :
1. I bought a book. The book was about Buddhism.
            I bought a book that was about Buddhism.
2. Buddhism is a religion. It has over 350 millions followers.
            Buddhism is a religion that has over 350 millions followers.

B. Clauses with that, when, or where : replacement of objects and adverbials of time or place
Clauses with that replacement of objects of verbs
Connection word
Sentence type
To form an adjective clause the relative pronoun that can replace the object of the verb in a simple sentence.
Simple sentence

Complex sentence
The ideas helped relieve suffering. Siddhartha taught these ideas.
The ideas that Siddhartha taught helped relieve suffering.
Omitted that
That is sometimes omitted in informal English this is  possible only when that replaces as object
Complex sentence
The ideas Siddhartha taught helped re;ieve suffering

Clauses with when or where : replacement of adverbials of time of place
Connecting word
Sentence type
When is used to replace adverbials of time.
Simple sentence

Complex sentence
Siddhartha lived at a time. People suffered tremendously then.
Siddhartha lived at a time. When people suffered tremendously.
Where is used to replace adverbials of place.
Simple sentence

Complex sentence
Nepal is a country. Buddhism and Hinduism are practice there.
Nepal is a country where Buddhism and Hinduism are practiced.


Examples :
1. Nirvana is the goal. Every Buddhist hopes to achieve this goal.
            Nirvana is the goal where every Buddhist hopes to achieve this goal.
2. The way is through meditation. People can reach nirvana this way.
            The way is through meditation that people can reach nirvana this way.

C. Analysis text

Religion and Human Behavior

Does life has meaning? What gives it meaning? Why do    we  act way we do?
Qw    v   modal                Qw  v      s    double qw   s     v 

What is the best way to live? How can   we be happy? How can we find peace?
Double qw          v                 qw  modal   s     adj        qw  modal  s   v

How can     we find fulfillment in our lives?
Qw  modal  s    v                        c

These are questions that people          have  struggled with Throughout human History.
              S       ( replacement of subject)   modal       v                                         o 
Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and physicists all have tried to give answer  
                                               S                                                modal            v          c
We also look for answer within ourselves. We try cultivate the spiritual side  Of our
 S              v            o                      c              s   v
 For many people in the world, spiritual questions are answered by organized religion.
                     S                                                            v                         c
Hundreds of spiritual traditions exist in the world, yet they all try to answer the same Questions.
        C                                                                     conj    s         v                       c
They teach basic ideas that          help humans understand the nature and  their behavior.
               S         ( replacement of subject)   v              o                 c          conj            c
They  describe oppositions between the spirit and the body, good and evil, earthly and 
    S          V                                                     C                                                         Conj 
Each spiritual tradition gives people a method That       they can follow walk the path of
                    s                    v                 o    ( replacement of object)    modal         v                 o

Each spiritual tradition moves toward a goal.
         S                             v            c
Often               that       
    S     ( replacement of subject)     
goal   involves moving from earth to the divine and from the body to the spirit.
   v                                                       o

This goal has a name like heaven, nirvana, or salvation.
     S           v        o                         c
 All cultures in the world have spiritual traditions and usually some form of organized
                  S                        v                                 conj                      c 
The spiritual side of existence whether Organized   into  a religion or   not,
                    S                                             v                      c             conj

has a strong effect on the daily lives of people around the world.


          Geoffrey Leech & Jan Starvik,  A Communicative Grammar of English,  Longman Group Limited, London, 1975.
          Ann , How English Works : A Grammar Handbook with Readings, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1990.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Materials about CALL


How to cut pictures use paint brush

Paintbrush is a simple paint program for Mac OS X, reminiscent of Microsoft Paint and Apple’s own now-defunct MacPaint. It provides users with a means to make simple images quickly, something that has been noticeably absent from the Mac for years.
When Apple released the original Macintosh in 1984, they included two applications: MacWrite and MacPaint. Twenty-five years later, every Mac still includes a basic text editor in TextEdit, but a simple paint program is a thing of the past. Enter Paintbrush.

Paintbrush can open and save to most major image formats, including BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and GIF. Full support for transparency is available for image formats that support an alpha channel (currently PNGs and GIFs). You can also paste images copied from many common Mac applications, including Microsoft Office and Apple Work.

Saturday 14 December 2019

How to make Essay

M. Fachrul Ramadhan
Agseora Ediyen, M.Hum44
Writing for Academic Purposes
13 December 2019

“Analyze How Benefits and Lacks Google Classroom Application in English Education Department”

            Google Classroom is one of the most applications popular for E-learning. In Google Classroom, you can tackle administrative tasks more efficiently with simple setup and integration with G Suite for Education, Classroom streamlines repetitive and makes it easy to focus on what teachers do best teaching. The best learning management at no cost, in Google Classroom is free for schools and included with sign up for G Suite for Education. Like all Google for Education tools, Google Classroom meets high security standards. Work anywhere, anytime, and on any device, with Classroom, teachers and students can sign in from any computer or

Monday 2 December 2019

Materials in teaching curriculum

Okay guys, today I want to give to you some materials in the elements of curriculum. I want to talk about “Materials”
Materials will be defined here as any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used in class room teaching. Such a definition is broad enough to encompass lesson plans and yet can accommodate books, packets of audiovisual aids, games, or any of the other myriad types of activities that go on in the language classroom. The key in developing sound materials is to ensure that they are described and organized well enough so that teachers can use them with no confusion and with a mini- mum of preparation time. The surest test of the viability of a set of materials is for a teacher to be able to implement them without any aid from their original creator. If that

Saturday 23 November 2019

Passive Voice


“Passive voice with perfect tenses”

Lecturer : Agseora Ediyen, M.Hum

By group 3            (PBI 4 C)
Reni Yuhelda         (2317091)
Dani Saputra          (2317092)
Fachrul Ramadhan (2317094)

most transitive verb

course planning and syllabus design

Course Planning and Syllabus Design

Created by :
Ari Hidayat: (2317089)
Fachrul Ramadhan(2317094)
Serly Dwi Yusfendi: (2317099)
Lecturer :
Absyahrini Kardena, M. Pd


Course Planning and Syllabus Design
A number of different levels of planning and development are involved in developing a course or set of instructional materials based on the aims and objectives that have been established for a language program.
1.      The course rationale
A starting point in course development is

Saturday 16 November 2019

how to use oposoft video editor

How to cut video use Oposoft Video Editor

Oposoft Video Editor is an easy-to-use application for video editing, With Video Editor, you can merge all different format video into one file, split a large video file into smaller clips, and cut the segments you want and then get a new small file from a large video file. It already includes all video encoders and decoders, you don't need download any other codecs to make it work. With just a few mouse clicks, you can enjoy your movie clips without interruption. Video Joiner is powerful video tool which can help you merge all different format video into one file, Customize output parameters including resolution, bit rate, frame rate, etc to completely fulfill your different requirements. Video Splitter is a powerful video tool which can help you split a large video file into smaller clips. You can split the video in segments by time, by size, or split averagely. Video Cutter is a powerful and easy-to-use video tool, which help you to cut the segments you want and then get a new small file from a large video file.
I will you some tutorials, how to use this application

Thursday 14 November 2019

Need Analysis

Needs analysis Gin the formal and technical sense) is relatively new in lan- guage teaching circles. However, needs ar.alyses have been conducted informally for years by teachers who wanted to assess what language points their students needed to learn. Indeed, the various activities I labeled "approaches" in the pre- vious chapter are different expressions of this desire to figure out what students need to learn. Information sources for such informal needs assessments might include scores on an overall language proficiency test, facts gathered from e background questionnaire that asks where and for how long students have had previous language training, or impressions gleaned from teacher and student interviews about the students' cognitive and linguistic abilities. Thus, two points seem immediately obvious when thinking about needs analysis.
First, informal needs analysis is not a new thing; indeed, good teachers since the birth of the teaching profession have been conducting some form of needs assessment. Sec ond, needs analysis involves the gathering of information to find out how much the students already know and what they still need to learn. n more formal terms, needs assessment is defined by Richards, Platt, and Weber (1985, p. 189) as "the process of determining the needs for which a learner or group of learners requires a language and arranging the needs accord ing to priorities. Needs assessment makes use of both subjective and objective information (e.g., data from questionnaires, tests, interviews, observation). The definition then goes on to prescribe topic areas on which informetion should be obtained. These will be discussed below.
Notice that the needs described in this definition are those of the learners involved and also notice that the students' language requirements are to be delirn eated and sequenced In another definition of needs assessment, Stufflebeam, McCormick, Brinker hoff, and Nelson (1985, p. 16) point out that it is "the process of determining the thirgs that ere necessary or useful for the fulfillment of a defensible purpose." A key phrase in this broader definition is "defensible purpose." This definition is attractive because it implies that the needs that are isolated must be defensible and form a unified and justifiable purpose.
Pratt (1980, p. 79) states that "needs assessment refers to an array of proce dures for identifying and validating needs, and establishing priorities among them." The key phrases that make this definition different from the others are "array of procedures" and "validating needs." The first phrase indicates that a variety of information-gathering tools should be used. The second implies that needs are not absolute, that is, once they are identified, they continually need to be examined for validity to ensure that they remain real needs for the students involved.

How to cut pictures use paint brush
Paintbrush is a simple paint program for Mac OS X, reminiscent of Microsoft Paint and Apple’s own now-defunct MacPaint. It provides users with a means to make simple images quickly, something that has been noticeably absent from the Mac for years.
When Apple released the original Macintosh in 1984, they included two applications: MacWrite and MacPaint. Twenty-five years later, every Mac still includes a basic text editor in TextEdit, but a simple paint program is a thing of the past.
Enter Paintbrush.
Paintbrush can open and save to most major image formats, including BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and GIF. Full support for transparency is available for image formats that support an alpha channel (currently PNGs and GIFs). You can also paste images copied from many common Mac applications, including Microsoft Office and Apple Work.
I will give you some tutorials, how to use paint brush application