Fachrul Ramadhan
Ediyen, M.Hum44
for Academic Purposes
December 2019
“Analyze How Benefits and Lacks Google
Classroom Application in English Education Department”
Classroom is one of the most applications popular for E-learning. In Google
Classroom, you can tackle administrative tasks more efficiently with simple
setup and integration with G Suite for Education, Classroom streamlines
repetitive and makes it easy to focus on what teachers do best teaching. The
best learning management at no cost, in Google Classroom is free for schools
and included with sign up for G Suite for Education. Like all Google for
Education tools, Google Classroom meets high security standards. Work anywhere,
anytime, and on any device, with Classroom, teachers and students can sign in
from any computer or
mobile device (hand phone) to access class assignments, course materials, and feedback. More time for richer feedback, Educators can track student progress to know where and when to give extra feedback. With simplified workflows, more energy can be focused on giving students constructive, personalized recommendations. But there is disadvantages about this application. [1]As stated by Daniel Brennick, science teacher Florida, “I distributed a Doc through Classroom, where all kids can work on the Doc together, at the same time. I project it on the board to facilitate quick discussion. It makes sure everyone gets heard, and amplifies student voice.” So, Google Classroom is application appropriate for study and making students easier to follow the learning process.
mobile device (hand phone) to access class assignments, course materials, and feedback. More time for richer feedback, Educators can track student progress to know where and when to give extra feedback. With simplified workflows, more energy can be focused on giving students constructive, personalized recommendations. But there is disadvantages about this application. [1]As stated by Daniel Brennick, science teacher Florida, “I distributed a Doc through Classroom, where all kids can work on the Doc together, at the same time. I project it on the board to facilitate quick discussion. It makes sure everyone gets heard, and amplifies student voice.” So, Google Classroom is application appropriate for study and making students easier to follow the learning process.
[2]Google classroom is very
useful for learning purposes, namely learning objectives will be easily
realized and meaningful (Haridyana 2015). Through learning with blended learning
then students feel comfortable and active in constructing their knowledge. The
teacher can utilize various features found in Google Classroom such as
assignments, grading, communication, time-costs, archive courses, mobile
applications, and privacy. In Google Classroom, students and teachers have
access to features that are not found in Personal Google accounts. For example,
in Forms, teachers can add images to questions or as multiple choice answers.
Inbox by Gmail has Classroom messages grouped in inbox, making it easy for
teachers and students to find important updates and highlights. Also, the
Classroom tool lets teachers organize the class stream by adding topics to
posts, and teachers and students can filter the stream to specific topics.
Google Classroom also encourages parent participation.
Teachers can invite parents to the Google Classroom to share
summaries of student work and to receive automated email summaries of student
work and class announcements. A summary of Google classroom features includes
the following: Connects instructors with students, Makes it easy to create a
class and invite learners, help instructors to distribute assignments,
facilitate communications between instructors and students. Allows teachers to
create, review and mark assignments, allows students to see assignments on an
assignments, documents and class materials in one place. [3]By
using the Google Classroom application, it is assumed that learning objectives
will be easier realized and full of meaningfulness. Therefore, the use of
Google Classroom actually makes it easier for teachers to manage learning and
convey information precisely and accurately to students (Hakim, 2016). Because
in Google classroom application there are many benefit to help students.
From my own research, students get benefits and lacks for
using Google Classroom. But most of students like for using Google Classroom
almost 90 % students get adavantages for using this application. As stated by Adil
Fadhillah Akbar, the benefits of students using Google Classrooms are, “Students
saving many times and many books.” He said that because students do not need to
take notes in the book, the students only need to write in the column provided,
and do not spend much time because students can finish the assignment quickly
by copying sentences by sentences, and the students can save them money for buy
some books. By using the E-learning method, students can utilize the media
learning to use the internet, to send a series of solutions that can improve
knowledge and skills. [4]Each
learning method must contain an organizational formula learning materials,
delivery strategies, and management activities with regard to learning objectives,
learning barriers, student characteristics, in order to be able to obtained the
effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of learning (Miarso, 2004).
As stated by Nikmah Hidayati, “Can be prepared easily”,
because students do not need to bother in preparing the results of the
assignment, technology and media in Google Classroom is almost provided a place
to send answer. [5]Smaldino et al. (2008),
technology and media can have a lot to do with learning. If the teaching
teacher centered, technology and media are used to support the presentation of
teaching. On the other hand, if teaching is student-centered, students are the
main users of technology and media. The next reason as stated by Yoga Aditya, “Improved
Communications”. Teachers can create assignments, send announcements, and start
class discussions directly. So, students can share material with each other and
interact in the class stream or via email.
Teachers can also quickly see who has and hasn't completed an
assignment, and immediately provides real-time grades and input. So, in the
collection of these tasks, it is stated the time when the assignment will be
collected in a timely manner. If there is one student who is only a few minutes
late, automatically the student's assignment cannot be collected and scorched,
and cannot be assessed. So students must be on time to collect assignments. So,
this application is free for students and the tasks that have been sent before
we can check and will not be lost. [6]Hanum
(2013) concluded that learning can be used as a tool on learning in schools
that have theory with a smaller percentage compared with practice. E-learning
can be utilized for increase understanding of the material and expand teaching
material resources as well as adding learning activities and help teachers make
time efficient learning in the classroom. Therefore E-learning can be used for
the learning process and increase student learning activities, too used as a
medium for school promotion in the public and also learning media that can be
utilized as an online learning facility.
Problems in E-learning are almost the same as problems in
using online applications, Google Classroom. The disadvantages of Google Classroom
according to Fardila Yolanda one of the English education students, she said
that, need internet with a stable connection, because Google Classroom itself
uses an internet connection. Therefore, the internet connection must be stable
so that the learning process can run smoothly. If the internet is not available
or the lights turn off, then the Google Classroom application cannot be used. So,
you must have the strong connection to open Google classroom application.
Google Classroom is the most famous application for study and
many features and many advantages you can get from there. For examples you can
study everywhere and anywhere, you can save many times and the money, because
you don’t need to buy some books for study. The application is suitable for you
and the application is free, you can download or visit the website. Google
Classroom is efficient for E-Learning, you can collect your task in the Google
Classroom without fear of losing data that you store, because the data
automatically saved in Google Drive. You can save your papers, your books, and friendly
for the environment because it doesn't spend a lot of paper. As stated by Haridyana
(2015) “Google classroom is very useful for learning purposes, namely learning
objectives will be easily realized and meaningful”. In the further time this
application can be update for more quality and have many features in there, in
order to make easier for learning process.
Gunawan, Fransiskus Ivan. 2016.
Mendidik Generasi Net. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press.
Hardiyana, Andri. 2015. Implementasi
Google Classroom sebagai Alternatif dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran di
Stein, Jared, dan Charles. R.
Graham. 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning A Standards Based Guided. New
York: Routledge.
Hakim, A.B., (2016). Efektifitas Penggunaan
E-Learning Moodle, Google Classroom Dan Edmodo. I-STATEMENT: Information System
and Technology Management.
Hanum, N.S., (2013). Keefetifan
E-Learning sebagai Media Pembelajaran (Studi Evaluasi Model Pembelajaran
E-Learning SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Purwokerto). Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi.
Miarso, Y., (2004). Menyemai benih
teknologi pendidikan, Kencana.
Smaldino, S.E., Lowther, D.L. &
Russell, J.D., (2008). Instructional technology and media for learning.
“Analyze How Benefits and Lacks Google
Classroom Application in English Education Department”
Petunjuk pengisian:
1. Berilah tanda ( Ö ) pada
jawaban yang tersedia sesuai dengan pilihan anda
Jawaban merentang mulai dari 1 sampai 4, dengan ketentuan jawaban sebagai
1 = Sangat Tidak Setuju
2 = Tidak Setuju
3 = Setuju
4 = Sangat Setuju
Pastikan semua pertanyaan tidak ada yang terlewatkan.
Pilihan Jawaban
mengetahui aplikasi Google Classroom
diterapkannya Google Classroom, memudahkan saya dalam melaksanakan
proses pembelajaran
diterapkannya Google Classroom, saya dapat belajar dan mengerjakan
tugas kapanpun ketika saya memiliki waktu luang
diterapkannya Google Classroom, saya dapat belajar dan mengerjakan
tugas dimana pun saya berada ketika saya terhubung dengan internet
Google Classroom sangat fleksibel bagi saya dalam memanfaatkan media
pembelajaran digital
Classroom berdampak positif bagi pembelajaran
pembelajaran yang dikumpulkan dapat tersimpan secara utuh di Google
terjadi masalah dalam mengunakan Google Classroom
menggunakan Google Classroom saya tidak perlu menggunalan banyak
kertas untuk mengerjakan tugas
memilki pengalaman yang menyenangkan dalam menggunakan Google Classroom.
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